Digital Rights “To be or not to be that is the question”

NFTs based on the ERC-721 

That’s where Proof-of-Existence comes into the game. You can get the ownership of your invention/idea/prediction and prove it everywhere, independent of your location. No prior technical knowledge is required to do this.

Intellectual property is not the only thing you can protect with Blockchain PoE.

You’ll probably find these questions simple to answer. Most people finish in less than 15 minutes.

Once you complete this questionnaire, we’ll search the availability of your trademark and then submit your application to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). We provide lifetime customer support and a 100% satisfaction guarantee to all customers.


We digitize legal entities end-to-end

Transforming ideas into a tradeable asset – how tokenization will disrupt Intellectual Property Rights

Our platform allows you to automate the founding process for legal entities. Then, any asset and any right can efficiently be tokenized: cars, machines, real estate,…Transactions are stored unchangeably and transparently on a blockchain. They are therefore securely traceable at all times.

For opportunity and partnership contact: Sydney Armani 1 415 879 1500